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Article: How To Detoxify Your Body Naturally

How To Detoxify Your Body Naturally - Feed Your Spirit

How To Detoxify Your Body Naturally

Do you feel it’s time to cleanse and recharge your body? If so I’m sure you’ve seen the many detox products and systems on the market, but with so many options how do you know which one is right for you?

It is perfectly safe to detoxify your body 4 or more times a year. The type of detox you choose and when to start can usually determined by the way you feel, if you begin to feel sluggish and unmotivated or have been eating out and drinking alcohol this can be your cue to begin a detox program.

There are so many ways to achieve great results from a detox program, here are a few popular options available.

Detox Retreat (1-3 week program)
Intensity Level*****Weight Loss Results*****End Results *****

A favorite detox retreat is The Optimum Health Institute which offers two locations one in San Diego, and one in Austin. The program is extremely affordable in comparison to other’s with an all inclusive week costing around $1400, this covers your room, meals, juices, classes and unlimited wheatgrass.

The Optimum Health Program involves a raw vegan diet also excluding salt and oils. You are prepared 3 meals a day, and fast on juice for 3 days (optional). Wheatgrass is a huge basis for the cleanse, you will take self administered Wheatgrass implants and drink it twice a day for the duration of your visit, after leaving you probably won’t want to go near the stuff for a while ?

The center offers a large selection of exercise and educational classes throughout the day, colonics and massages onsite, and all meals/juices prepared for you. The grounds are small and pretty so you can just sit back read a book and let nature take it’s course!

Typical results after completing a deep cleansing program like this will be phenomenal to say the least, you should notice bright shiny eyes, look and feel your best, have a clear mind and feel focused and happy, with a side result of some weight loss. If you are looking for the most intense and effective detox this is it.

How To Detoxify Your Body Naturally

Fasting (24hrs – 40 days)
Intensity Level****Weight Loss Results***** End Results ****

Fasting has been used as a way to purify the body and mind for centuries as part of religious ceremonies. Fasts are observed among Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Taoists, all with various ideas on lengths and days to begin.

Fasting is a superior way to flush the system as your body can redirect the energy taken to support the digestive system and start healing and cleansing the body. Fasting can be done for just 24 hours or for up to 40 days (with supervision).

Fasts can range from 24 hours to 40 days, although longer fasts should only be done with supervision. After a fast you should be left feeling full of energy, happy and motivated, here is a breakdown of three ways fast.

The Master Cleanse | Lemonade Diet Intensity Level ***

The master cleanse is to be followed for a minimum of 10 days going as long as 30, during the fast you will drink a mixture of Grade B Maple Syrup, fresh squeezed lemons and cayenne pepper, you will drink a salt mixture in the morning that acts as a colon flush and a laxatave tea at night.

Juice Fasting Intensity Level ****

Juice fasting is an excellent way to fast while receiving a lot of nutritional benefits, while juice fasting you will juice organic fruits and vegetables and drink 4-6 cups a day. You can fast for a short period of time just 24 hours and go as long as 30 days.

Water Fasting Intensity Level *****

Water Fasting is not for the faint of heart, it is the most intense way to fast and also according to the Bragg family the most effective. If you are thinking about performing a water fast I reccomend reading Fasting by

Cleanse Kits (3 – 30 days)
Intensity Level***Weight Loss Results**End Results ***

Body cleansing kits come in a large range of types and program lengths. First you will decide which type of cleanse to start with, you can choose a full body cleanse that will flush the colon, liver, kidneys and lungs, or you can select a cleanse for a specific purpose such as liver, parasite or candida.

The best way to approach body cleansing kits is to begin with a total body cleanse, followed by a specific cleanse such as parasite if you feel it is needed. You can select a different cleanse and follow it up to 4 times a year. While embarking on a full body cleanse you will eat as clean as possible, drink lots of water and take additional fiber, oils (such as flax) and probiotics for ultimate results.

Cleanse kit favorites are made by renew life with a popular option being CleanseMore, it’s a 30 day program but very easy to follow, just 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills at night.

If you’re looking for something more intense a great option is the Arise and Shine 30 day program that includes shakes and pills along with strict dietary guidelines. To complete this program you will need to keep to a strict eating/shake/pill schedule, so a lot more preparation is needed, the results however are amazing!

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